“Set for Summer Contest” 


These rules govern the Stag’s Hollow Winery & Form & Function (The “Sponsors”) contest titled “Set for Summer Contest” (The “Contest”). The act of entering the Contest constitutes acceptance of the contest rules. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by the Official Rules which shall be final and binding in all respects. Entry via Sponsor websites only: or 


The Contest is open to all residents of BC and Alberta who have attained the legal drinking age in the province where they reside, except employees of Stag’s Hollow Winery and Form & Function, and their advertising, promotional agencies, and all of their immediate families. 


The Contest runs from Friday, May 24, 2024 at 9:00AM PST to Monday, June 17, 2024 at 11:59PM PST (the “Contest Period”). 


  1. To enter, participants are required to complete the form on either website: 



Entries will be rejected if all required fields are not fully completed and submitted during the Contest Period. The Sponsors have the right to stop/cancel the event at anytime. Limit of one entry per person. 

The act of entering the Contest gives the Sponsors permission to use the emails collected for further marketing purposes after the end of the Contest Period in compliance with each of the Sponsors Privacy Policy. Contestants may unsubscribe at any time. 


There is a grand total of (1) prize package containing: 

  • A Stag's Hollow Summer Prize Pack 

  • VIP Wine Tasting for 4 with Sommelier Ron Rocher at Stag’s Hollow Winery in Okanagan Falls 

  • 4 tickets to a Stag's Hollow Winery summer event in Okanagan Falls 

  • 2 Simon Pearce wine glasses from Form & Function Vancouver 

  • 1 Barlow Tyrie Safari Chair with Clip-On Tray from Form & Function Vancouver 

Total package valued at $2000. The prize must be accepted as awarded and is not redeemable for cash; taxes, fees and other charges are the responsibility of the winner. Odds of winning the prize depends on the total number of eligible entries received during the period of the contest. 


The winner (1) will be contacted no later than Friday June 21, 2024. The winning entry will be chosen by random draw of all eligible entries. Delivery of prizes is included if the winner does not live local to either Vancouver or Okanagan Falls. 

To claim the prize, the winner must be able to show valid identification. In the event the Sponsors are unable to contact the winner within 48 hours, the selected entry could be disqualified and an alternate winner could be selected from all remaining eligible entries. The winner must successfully complete the mathematical skill testing question and contest release form before being deemed the official winner. 


By participating, entrant agrees to release and hold harmless the Sponsors and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, distributors, advertising/promotion agencies, prize suppliers, each of their respective parent companies and such company’s officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any claim or cause of action, including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property, arising out of participation in the Contest. Prior to receiving any prize, the winner will be required to show valid photo ID and to sign an affidavit of eligibility/release form releasing both Sponsors of all liability, confirming compliance with the rules and consenting to the use of his or her name and photograph, without further compensation, in any publicity carried out by the sponsors and/or their advertising and promotional agencies. The act of entering the contest gives the sponsors permission to use their name and photo on mediums including, but not limited to: Stag’s Hollow Winery and Form & Function Instagram pages (@stags_hollow_winery, @shopformfunction), and Stag’s Hollow Winery Facebook page (@stagshollowwine). 


We will use your personal contact information to administer Contests, including contacting, announcing and promoting prize winners. Contests are run in compliance with each of the Sponsors Privacy Policy


The Sponsors may, in their sole discretion, prohibit any person from entering any contest that they believe to be abusing the contest rules. Such abuse includes entering false information. The sponsors have the right to change, censor, remove, edit any content submitted. Any attempt to tamper with the entry process, interfere with these rules, deliberately damage any website or undermine the administration, security or legitimate operation of the Contest, is a violation of criminal and civil laws, and the sponsors reserve the right to seek damages and/or other relief from all persons responsible for such acts to the fullest extent permitted by law, which may include banning or disqualifying entrants from this and future Contests. Use of any robotic, automatic, programmed or similar entry method or more than one entry during the Promotion Period will void all entries and result in disqualification. The act of entering the Contest constitutes acceptance of the contest rules. 


All decisions of the Sponsors are final. Contests are governed by the laws of British Columbia and the laws of Canada applicable therein. The sponsors and their parent, subsidiary, affiliated and related entities, and the officers, directors, employees, licensees and assignees reserve the right to cancel or modify any contest or the contest rules at any time without notice. All prizes must be accepted as awarded, are non-transferable and are not convertible to cash. The sponsors are not liable if the provider of any part of the prize fails to satisfy its obligations to furnish its portion of the prize. The sponsors and their parent, subsidiary, affiliated and related entities, and the officers, directors, employees, licensees and assignees reserve the right to substitute any prize or portion of the prize with a prize of equal or greater value. All prizes are awarded as-is and no warranties or guarantees are implied or expressed, beyond the standard manufacturer's warranty. The odds of winning depend on how many eligible entries are received. The sponsors and their parent, subsidiary, affiliated and related entities, and the officers, directors, employees, licensees and assignees are not liable for any lost or stolen entries or inability to process entries, or any errors, damage or negligence that may arise in connection with this contest, including technical failures on the part of contest software, virus, website down-time, human error or property damage incurred by any contest entrant.